
Eritrean-Sudanese relations plummet
This is a natural outcome from the formation of the Sana’a Coalition. Now that Omar has his gang, he seems to be planning to bite off a good chunk of Eritrea to make up for his losses in the south. Then again, he probably plans on wiping out the SPLA after the Eritreans and the Darfur residents are crushed under the jackboots of the NIF stormtroopers.
Eritrea has accused Sudan’s authorities of arresting its nationals and closing community centres used by Eritreans in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum. Eritrea’s Foreign Ministry described the detentions as illegal and called for those held to be released. Last month, Sudan complained to the United Nations saying that Eritrea was assisting rebels in the west of Sudan. Two weeks ago, Ethiopia, Sudan and Yemen accused Eritrea of stirring up instability in the region. UN estimates suggest there are well over 300,000 refugees, some of whom arrived 35 years ago in the early days of Eritrea’s fight for independence from Ethiopia. The Eritrean government denies promoting instability in the region, instead accusing the Ethiopians with whom it more recently fought a two-year border war in which tens of thousands of people were killed.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-01-16