
Feminists going back to "nonviolence" cliches
  • Sarah Wildman TNR On-Line
    Brand-name feminists have retreated to cliches about women and nonviolence. "Women are not more moral than men, or even intrinsically different from men," said feminist matriarch Gloria Steinem. "It's just that we have been raised without our masculinity to prove. We ... can come up with new and different solutions and end this cycle of violence and revenge." Sisterhood is Powerful Editor Robin Morgan urged women on the Internet to "[t]alk about the root causes of terrorism, about the need to diminish this daily climate of patriarchal violence surrounding us in its state-sanctioned normalcy." Barbara Ehrenreich and Alice Walker weighed in with similarly worded missives. And the Third Wave Foundation, whose praiseworthy goal is to "inform and empower a generation of young women activists," urged women to "unite in calls for a peaceful resolution to this attack."
    The ladies' historical anti-war stance is obtruding on what should be good sense and even enthusiasm. Women have the most to lose in this war; if the west loses, they get to start wearing burkas and go back to being breeding stock. And if we win the benefits to Central Asian women are obvious.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-10-31
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2445