
Top war crimes suspect Karadzic arrested in Serbia
BELGRADE, Serbia - Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, accused architect of massacres making him one of the world's top war crimes fugitives, was arrested Monday evening in a raid that ended a near 13-year manhunt, the country's president and the UN tribunal said. Karadzic is the suspected mastermind of mass killings that the UN war crimes tribunal described as ‘scenes from hell, written on the darkest pages of human history.’ They include the 1995 massacre of 8,000 Muslims in Srebrenica, Europe's worst slaughter since World War II.
Good. Now let's hope the tribunal can deal with him before 2020.
‘This is a very important day for the victims who have waited for this arrest for over a decade. It is also an important day for international justice because it clearly demonstrates that nobody is beyond the reach of the law,’ said Serge Brammertz, the tribunal's head prosecutor.

President Boris Tadic's office said Karadzic has been taken before the investigative judge of Serbia's war crimes court - a legal procedure that indicates he could soon be extradited to the UN court at The Hague, Netherlands. If Karadzic is transferred to there, he would be the 44th Serb suspect extradited to the tribunal. The others include former President Slobodan Milosevic, who was ousted in 2000 and died in 2006 while on trial on war crimes charges.

Heavily armed special forces have been deployed around the war crimes court in Belgrade where Karadzic reportedly was being held. Karadzic's brother, Luka, also arrived at the location in central Belgrade. Serbian police deployed throughout central Belgrade as well as in front of the US embassy, which was targeted in nationalist rioting over Kosovo's declaration of independence in February.

The White House called the arrest ‘an important demonstration of the Serbian Government's determination to honor its commitment to cooperate with the International Criminal Tribunal.’
Posted by: Steve White 2008-07-22