
Criminals could be banned from downtown Eugene
From pits to the homeless to failing businesses - it seems the problems in Downtown Eugene never end. But Monday, the city council took a step toward working on at least one issue: criminals.

The topic: an ordinance that would ban anyone convicted of a crime like robbery or assault from downtown Eugene for 90 days. Supporters say it would be an effort to clean up downtown and discourage criminal activity and vandalism.

Right now, if a person is arrested of certain crimes they have to go through a trial process before any other action is taken. With this new ordinance, if the judge thinks there's enough evidence, anyone even charged with a crime would immediately be banned from the downtown area for 90 days. If they are found guilty, they would be banned for a year.
Likely unconstitutional. You can't ban accused (still presumed innocent) people from public places unless there is a danger, in which case, they shouldn't be out on bail. And guilty people who have served their time likewise can't be banned from public places unless they constitute a danger.
This proposal drew plenty of comments from downtown business owners. "We have customers being threatened," says Betty Snowden. "We have customers being cursed out and being hit. And we want to brag about our downtown core? We should be ashamed of ourselves."

The council voted to wait and hold a public workshop before making a decision on this ordinance.

We also heard from the other side. One man said if he was banned from downtown, he wouldn't have access to the bus station, couldn't use the library, or attend his church which happens to be in the downtown area.
This has never been permitted by the courts as law, but has been permitted on an individual or group basis as injunction, which makes it almost unique as exclusively judicial law.
Posted by: Anonymoose 2008-07-22