
Sami, others condemn raid on religious school
Vice President of MMA, Maulana Samiul Haq Friday condemned raid on Jamia Farooqia—religious school at Dhamial Camp, Rawalpindi Cantonment. “Last night ... the local administration and the law enforcing agencies, raided Darul Aloom Jamia Farooqia. The authorities said that they raided to arrest some militants of al-Qaeda hiding their. Actually the attack was prompted to penalize the head of the school who had convened convention of religious schools for their protection,” Senator of Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal and chief of Jamiat Ulma-e-Islam, Samiul Haq said. The leaders of Jamiat Ahle-Sunnat, in their separate emergency meeting also reacted the raid while saying that none of the “so called terrorist” was arrested in the raid but the students and the staff of the school were harassed.
Mahmoud the Weasel was on duty, I take it?
Qari Saeedur Rehman of the Jamiat, chaired the meeting that was attended by Maulana Ashraf Ali, Maulana Nazeer Qadri, Maulana Zaheer, Maulana Abdul Rashid, Maulana Azizur Rehman and hundreds of others. Sami in his separate statement has also condemned the raid conducted in Lahore against a religious school. He said that such acts meant only to terrorize and harass the students and their teachers. “President General Pervez Musharraf himself had stated that the religious schools are top level NGOs serving the humanity without any material benefit,” Sami said. He raised question that why other universities and colleges are exempted from such actions of the administration.
Probably because they don't churn out jihadis in quite so large numbers...
The religious leaders in their separate meeting said, “if any militant of al-Qaeda or other such organization tries to take shelter in our schools, we will ourselves hand them over to the administration.”
And if you can't take the word of Pak religious leaders, whose word can you take?
They warned of mass level protest if the practice of raiding the religious schools is not stopped immediately. The administration did not succeed so far even arresting a single terrorist in their search operation of religious seminaries.
Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2004-01-17