
Why the Left Fears Condoleezza Rice
Long article on Condi that has some interesting insights and frequently veers into Democrat bashing. Severly EFL.
Condoleezza Rice is a "true illiterate," said a patronizing Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. This Marxist thug added that he had asked his comrade Cuban dictator Fidel Castro to mail America’s National Security Advisor samples of Cuban books now being used to teach Venezuelan children literacy to “see if she learns to respect the dignity of the people and learns a bit about us."

Apparently President Chavez is both a racist and a puny macho sexist to make such stupid remarks. His stunted manhood is threatened by criticism from this powerful woman. Condoleezza Rice, who recently called on Chavez to accept the democratic vote of Venezuelans in a legitimate election to recall him, is, as many have noted, "the most powerful woman in the world." Dr. Rice understands collectivist terrorist murderers like Chavez better than do most Americans, and not only because she is a highly regarded expert on the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Most of us awakened to the threat of terrorism only on September 11, 2001. Rice as a 9-year-old African-American girl in Birmingham, Alabama, in September 1963 felt the ground shake from a racist’s dynamite bomb going off in the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church only blocks away from the church where her father, John, was pastor. Among the four black girls murdered in that hate crime that shocked our nation’s conscience was Rice’s 11-year-old friend and schoolmate Denise McNair. She remembers their funeral and how small their coffins were. “If you’ve been through homegrown terrorism,” said Dr. Rice, “you recognize there isn’t any cause that can be served by it. ... Because what it’s meant to do is end the conversation.” Racism is a collectivist idea that denies human dignity by defining individuals as members of mythical collective racial groups. Socialism and Marxism are collectivist ideas that deny human dignity by judging individuals only as members of mythical class groups and by declaring all human beings to be slaves whose lives and labors belong to the collectivist state.

But first, let’s look more closely at the “illiterate” Dr. Condoleezza Rice. Leftists such as Hugo Chavez have tried to silence or discredit this “uppity” powerful black woman with insults. The Leftist media inside the U.S. have tried either to ignore her or to diminish her with the most vicious, loathsome and toxic kinds of racist satire, mockery, denigration, insults and ridicule. Jamaican singer-limboist Harry Belafonte, an outspoken supporter of Fidel Castro and the Democratic Party, called Rice a “Jew” and a “slave who lived in the house” and “served the master.”
Belafonte is a moron
Leftists engage in such verbal terrorism against Bush administration National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of State Colin Powell out of fear, wrote distinguished African-American journalist and liberal Clarence Page. The Democratic Party depends on blacks for 18 percent of its votes. Its survival depends on keeping those voters as a solid, owned bloc of slaves, chained by dependency and fear, down on the plantation of the Democratic Party. A powerful, successful Republican role model such as Condoleezza Rice could show young blacks an alternative to dependency on Democrats. To prevent African-Americans from opening their hypnotized eyes to this self-evident truth and reconsidering why they vote for a party that chains and exploits them, Dr. Rice has been targeted for every kind of insult and attack possible. She must be politically assassinated.

So, who is Condoleezza Rice, this bright black woman whose mere presence strikes terror into the hearts of Leftists? Condi, as friends call her, was born November 14, 1954, in what his 1963 Letter from a Birmingham Jail Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would call “probably the most thoroughly segregated city in the United States.” During the Civil Rights struggle it came also to be called “Bombingham,” with racist explosives killing not only Rice’s friend and three other girls but also shattering the home of black civil rights lawyer Arthur Shores and terrifying the African-American community. “Rice’s father went to police headquarters to demand an investigation,” wrote Dale Russakoff in the Washington Post Magazine. “They didn’t investigate,” Condoleezza Rice has said. “They never investigated.”

“John Rice,” writes Russakoff, “then did what black fathers all over Birmingham were doing – what Alma Powell remembers her own father doing then, when she happened to be home with her babies during her husband’s [Colin Powell’s] tour in Vietnam: They got out their shotguns and formed nightly patrols, guarding the streets themselves.” One of the many dirty secrets of the Democratic Party is that its passion for gun control began, and continues to be, from a desire to disarm African-Americans and thereby make them powerless and dependent. Russian expert Michael McFaul, writes Russakoff, “remembers [Condoleezza] Rice telling him she opposed gun control and even gun registration because Bull Connor could have used it to disarm her father and others” in 1963.
Her name, Condoleezza, comes from the Italian musical notation “con dulce” or “con dolcezza,” meaning to play “with sweetness.”
I didn’t know that!
Condi was soon mastering figure skating, French, ballet, Latin and a host of other advanced skills. Playing Bach and Beethoven even before her feet could reach the piano’s pedals, Condoleezza pursued becoming a concert pianist. At age 13 her family moved to Colorado, where her father became a University of Denver assistant dean. She enrolled there at age 15, graduating Phi Beta Kappa, magna cum laude, at age 19 when most other youngsters are just beginning college. One day she found herself in a classroom fascinated by Josef Korbel, former Marxist Czech diplomat, as he expounded on the Byzantine nature of Soviet politics and Stalin. “There was so much intrigue,” Rice says. “I decided I wanted to study the Soviet Union.”

“It was like falling in love,” she told Essence Magazine. “I just suddenly knew that’s what I wanted to do. ... Soviet politics, Soviet everything.” Condoleezza went on to earn a master’s degree in international relations at Notre Dame, then a Ph.D. at the University of Denver. The year she completed her doctorate, 1981, she was offered a teaching job at Stanford University. She is author or co-author of several scholarly books, including "Uncertain Allegiance: The Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Army: 1948-1983," "The Gorbachev Era" and "Germany Unified and Europe Transformed: A Study in Statecraft." Her expertise on the Soviet Union soon earned Rice an advisory position with the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1986 and, with the recommendation of Brent Scowcroft, a place on President George H.W. Bush’s National Security Council in 1989. When they first talked, she and George W. Bush, both big sports fans and devout Christians, hit it off immediately. “America will find that she is a wise person,” the president-elect said when announcing her as his pick to become National Security Advisor in December 2000. “I trust her judgment.”
From what I hear Bush is closer to Condi than any other of his advisors. Any chance she will be VP in 2004? As far as I am concerned her head and her heart are in the right place, and it would send a powerful message, and think of the fun we would have - over 4 years of the Left tieing themselves in knots. I’d pay to watch that!
Rice is part of a tiny Bush inner circle of brilliant advisers – including Vice President Dick Cheney, former Secretary of State George Schultz and Pentagon analyst Paul Wolfowitz – nicknamed for their superior intellects as “The Vulcans,” in the spirit of Mr. Spock and other Vulcans in “Star Trek.”
Now, at age 49, Condi Rice has already become what Business Week magazine called probably the most influential National Security Advisor since Henry Kissinger in the 1970s. When she, as one of two top foreign policy advisers to the president of the United States, criticizes or challenges Hugo Chavez, it is no wonder that this nasty little Marxist tyrant shakes with fear and rage.
The arabs will hate dealing with her, seeing as they are all racist misogynists.
Chavez knows perfectly well that Dr. Rice is not illiterate. In fact, she is an expert on Marxism, the Soviet Union and the kind of tactics Chavez and his ally Fidel Castro are now using to subvert Venezuela as well as several other Latin American nations. Her expertise is helping shape the hard line that President Bush has taken against Fidel Castro at this week’s summit of Western Hemispheric democracies in Monterrey, Mexico.
Long rant on Cuban Education system cut, but i left this bit in cos it fits with my experience in Cuba.
This school had a black principal – the only instance in Cuba where I saw a black person in a position of power. As Cuban-American author Humberto Fontova (whose current best-seller is "The Hellpig Hunt") explained to me, Leftist Hollywood movies about Cuba typically depict Castro’s revolutionaries overthrowing a blond, blue-eyed dictator Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar. Batista, however, in real life was a dark-skinned mulatto of black ancestry from a poor farming family. It is Castro who embodies the white Spaniard colonial ruling class and whose father was a crime boss in Cuba ... just as Fidel is a crime boss today. And under Batista, Cuba had the third-highest standard of living in the Western Hemisphere, while today this Marxist prison colony is near or at the bottom. This, notes Fontova, is typical of the lies America’s Leftist media use to brainwash Americans. A second lesson: As Condoleezza Rice so admirably teaches by example, we must never permit the collectivist thugs, here or abroad, to stifle or end the conversation.
Posted by: phil_b 2004-01-17