
Divisions Back to Haunt Zanu PF
This is how Zim-Bob will come apart: not by the opposition, but by factions within the ruling party grabbing for whatever is left to steal.
DIVISIONS within Zanu PF, which appeared to have disappeared following the shock March 29 election setback, have returned to haunt the party after Vice-President Joseph Msika recently labelled some party functionaries in Matabeleland as sell-outs. Sources in the ruling party said Msika's utterances have stirred a hornet's nest in the region, with some senior Zanu PF officials who claimed the ageing leader was referring to them vowing to bring him down.

"The divisions which rocked Matabeleland provinces before the last congress (in 2004) have resurfaced and this time there is anger over Msika's sell-out statement," said one of the sources.

Msika two weeks ago threatened to expose a cabal of politicians from the region whom he accused of working with unnamed people in Harare to "destroy" provincial leaders in the hope of being rewarded with ministerial appointments. "There are leaders in this region who think that they will be ministers through gossiping about others with leaders who are based in Harare," Msika said. "To those unscrupulous party leaders in Harare, do not think I cannot see you trying to put your stooges in the region. You are reckless and careless."

The sources, however, said after Msika's comments were published in the press there was a furore with some provincial leaders engaging Ministry of Information and Publicity permanent secretary, George Charamba, complaining that the state media should bar the coverage of the veteran politician.

Zanu PF sources were unanimous that Msika's message was directed at war veterans leader Jabulani Sibanda, Industry and Trade Minister Obert Mpofu and Bulawayo Governor Cain Mathema. "Sibanda and Mpofu have President Mugabe's ear when it comes to issues affecting the region and this has been irritating the senior leadership who say they have no mandate of the region and Msika's outburst confirms that the divisions in the region are far from over," another source said.

Msika's controversial statement, however, is set to further exacerbate the rifts within the party.
Posted by: Steve White 2008-07-27