
New Baghdad Blog: Madison, Wisconsin TV crew!
via Jeff Jarvis
Go read this blog for yourself...these journalists are doing some fine reporting. Kudos to the TV station for sending a crew there and having the guts to allow them to actually report what they see and feel on their website.

Sample post:
URGENT...SEND T.P. I couldn’t believe it when I heard the news last night. Members of the 32nd have to BUY their OWN TP! Now, what’s up with that? You thinking about a care package or preparing one for a loved one? ENLCOSE CHARMIN. AND I’M NOT KIDDING.
I used the porta potty the other day and had to search through 5 of them to find the necessary supplies. THERE’S A SHORTAGE. (Pictured: one of the last rolls.) Why do they have to buy their own? Uncle Sam has left the ’hood and I couldn’t get a straight answer, but they do. Members of the 32nd have been very resourceful here to come up with the funds. When they arrived in Mustang Base the bombed out Baath Party VP Palace was in shambles. they cleared the halls, built "dorms, hootches" and SOLD any useable materials to Iraqis. That money has paid for T.P. as well as a weight room and personal items like micros or TV’s at the local markets. GET TO THE STORE AND BUY TP.
Telling it like it is, and a salute to the members of the 32nd!
Posted by: Seafarious 2004-01-17