
French Minister Blasts Certain U.S. Ideas
From LGF
France’s Defense Minister criticized " all certain radical neoconservative ideas" in the United States as harmful to U.S. relations with Europe. While France remains a major partner of the United States,
so they like to think
Minister Michele Alliot-Marie singled out on Friday what she called American aspirations for economic supremacy as well as assertions of cultural and political supremacy.
Not an aspiration, its a fact
The French official did not identify whom she held responsible for asserting such views. "It is essential we recognize others’ positions" as part of a trans-Atlantic discourse, she said. In a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a private research group, Alliot-Marie emphasized that Europeans had "a different sensibility" from the United States toward the Arab-Muslim world.
Why fight when you can appease and make money off of despots?
Outlining the views of France, she said while terrorism is a great threat, its causes must be addressed, which she identified as "the sense of frustration in the face of injustice and poverty."
Blah blah blah... It has nothing to do with Soddy aspirations to world domination, of course...
"The humiliation is exploited by fanatics," Alliot-Marie said, while urging "let us work together to eradicate blind violence, but also its roots."
Let us instead work together to eradicate the Council of Boskone SPECTRE The Learned Elders of Islam.
France is neither anti-Semitic nor anti-Israel, the defense minister said, while implicitly holding Israel accountable.
Ahhh...there is is. Its the Jews fault for turning a 50 mile strech of sand into a world power in 60 years and while the Arabs have had hundreds of years and haven’t succeeded. Damn Jews!
"We should be listening more to the Arab-Muslim world," she said. "The sense of injustice and humiliation is really very widespread."
Overall, Alliot-Marie’s message was one of working together with the United States on international security.
You haven’t yet, why start now? Oh, I know - there must be money to be made some how.
"It is something of a paradox that France should sometimes be stigmatized in Washington as a strategic adversary of the United States," the minister said. "To listen to some quarters, France is supposed to be trying to develop a counterweight to the United States, especially through European integration. Nothing strikes me as being further from reality."
Talk to your boss, he is all for it.
France and the Bush administration have been at odds over the U.S.-led war in Iraq, which France tried to block at the United Nations with calls for more weapons searches in preference to going to war. But France has cooperated with the United States in promoting economic recovery in Afghanistan. "Faced with the difficulties the U.S. is encountering in certain parts of the world, it needs the support of its European allies," she said.
I’m tired of all of these people stating the US is having "difficulties" -it smacks of bullshit, because they so clearly missed the boat. We have ended up carrying France’s water - again!
Later Friday, Alliot-Marie met with Secretary-General Kofi Annan at the United Nations in New York. Afterward, she told reporters it was clear from her meetings in Washington with Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice that the United States wanted to look to the future. "It was very clearly expressed that there is a commitment now to turn the page ... and to turn to the future to see how we can carry out cooperation between France and the United States," Alliot-Marie said.
But still no contracts for you!
She said it is important for the international community to ensure a successful transition in Iraq to an Iraqi government from the current U.S. administration. "France stated that it was ready to participate in the fleecing reconstruction of Iraq when there would be a legitimate Iraqi government that would have recovered its sovereignty ... and on the request of that government," she said. "There will be no question," she said, "of sending French military personnel to Iraq."
Don’t kid yourself, they aren’t wanted anyway.
Posted by: JerseyMike 2004-01-17