
Islamic Priorities
Considering the rivers of blood shed by some of its adherents over the last three years, it is fascinating to note the sort of thing the Religion of PeaceTM will get worked up about:
Chanting "the veil is my choice," thousands of demonstrators marched through Paris on Saturday in protest at a looming ban on Islamic hijab headscarves in French state schools. Muslims in the Middle East and London also challenged the ban. In Beirut, more than 2,000 women protested. Thousands of Palestinian women marched in Gaza City and the southern Gaza town of Rafah. "Where is democracy," they chanted.
Nowhere near Gaza.
Mostly veiled women, flanked by men, protested in the French capital against the law proposed by President Jacques Chirac that would ban Muslim headscarves, Jewish skullcaps and large Christian crosses from state schools.
Flanked by men, huh? Real spontaneous eruption of feminine feeling, that. But lessee. Adherents of the Religion of PeaceTM around the world can’t be bothered to protest against all murderers who defame their religion in the eyes of civilization. But they spit nails because their kids can’t wear scarves in school. Lovely people.
Posted by: Christopher Johnson 2004-01-17