
U.S. Units Rotating Into Iraq Smaller, More Mobile
It’s from Reuters (via Yahoo News), so it must be true...
U.S. troops rotating into Iraq will have fewer soldiers, helicopters and tanks and less artillery but should be more mobile and better suited to deal with guerrillas. By June, almost all U.S. troops on the ground in Iraq will belong to the new rotation, which is being called Operation Iraqi Freedom 2 and downsizes the U.S. presence to 105,000 from about 130,000. A senior military official in Baghdad said that though numbers were being cut — by as much as half in the northern zone which is relatively more stable — soldiers would be better equipped for the low intensity conflict the military expects to face in the next six to 12 months. "This is a reduction in numbers but we don’t see it as a reduction in capability," the official said, adding that with no high intensity conflict on the cards the focus was defensive. "Frankly we don’t see a regeneration of an (Iraqi) offensive capability any time soon," he said. "It’s better (the soldiers) rest, refurbish, refit and prepare for the next operation wherever that might be in the world."
It will probably take most of a year to get the strike forces rested and re-equipped for Syria. Or Iran. Or Sudan. Or...
He said the Army would cut its M1 tanks in Iraq from more than 600 to about 150, its Howitzers from 250 to 100, and would remove all its 94 multiple rocket launchers from Iraq.
They could probably cut all the artillery. They haven't been putting a lot of rounds downrange...
There would be less than 100 Apaches and Cobras, compared to 140 now, and about 200 Black Hawk helicopters from 350 now. Troops will use more armored Humvee vehicles and Stryker vehicles. There is also likely to be a greater intelligence capability as the Army tries to capture those fighting the occupation. Incoming troops have been given training in language, cultural awareness and sensitivity, he said.
Sensitivty training? Puhleeeze...
Posted by: Raj 2004-01-17