
Suicide bombing
Although most ulema condemn suicide bombings, a few offer bizarre justifications for it. A few days back a so-called religious scholar was heard saying on TV that during the '65 war, Ayub Khan had ordered his soldiers to lay in front of 500 Indian tanks advancing on Lahore with anti-tank mines tied to their chests as there was no other way of stopping them.

About three days ago, yet another religious scholar said on TV that the Pakistan army soldiers laid in front of 600 Indian tanks in Chowinda sector with mines on their chest and embraced shahadat. These gentlemen who did not have the foggiest idea of a tank battle and didn't know as to where the Indian tanks were -- Lahore or Chowinda -- were narrating such concocted stories simply to justify suicide bombings in Islam.

Nothing could be farther from the truth. No soldier was ever ordered by anyone to lay in front of a tank with a mine tied to his body. In fact, in any army of the world no one can order a soldier to die. Tank is a goliath but has its limitations too. It is almost blind when buttoned up (hatch of its cupola closed). Only the driver and the commander can see through narrow slits and that too straight in whatever direction the tank is heading.
Posted by: john frum 2008-07-31