
Israeli Police Question Olmert for 4th Time in Corruption Probe
Israeli police have questioned Prime Minister Ehud Olmert for a fourth time in a corruption scandal.
Investigators presented documents to Mr. Olmert allegedly showing that as a public official, he double and triple-billed institutions and charities for trips abroad and pocketed the difference.
Investigators presented documents to Mr. Olmert allegedly showing that as a public official, he double and triple-billed institutions and charities for trips abroad and pocketed the difference.

An American Jewish businessman has also testified that he gave Mr. Olmert envelopes stuffed with cash to support a lavish lifestyle, including fancy hotels and cigars and first-class airfare. Police say these things took place when Mr. Olmert was a Cabinet minister and mayor of Jerusalem.

The prime minister denies any wrongdoing. But when his own Kadima party decided on primaries to replace him in September, he succumbed to the pressure and announced that he would resign after the vote.
Posted by: Fred 2008-08-02