
Moonbat Fratricide: KosKidz exkommunicate one of their own
I've Been Banned At DailyKos Because Of John Edwards

Lee Stranahan, stranahan.com

About a week ago, I posted a piece on the Huffington Post called Say It Ain't So, John. I didn't think it would have much more impact than my usual posts...maybe a dozen comments or so, a couple of people linking to it. I cross posted on DailyKos, which is probably the best known and biggest progressive blog. I've been posting at Kos for a long time. As more news about Edwards has come out, I followed up with more posts which were also the subject of a large number of comments. All of them looked at the Edwards situation from my point of view; that is, a liberal who is concerned about the implications this story may have in November.

Now I'm banned. I can't write about ANYTHING at Kos. Can't comment, can't post a non-Edwards piece. Nothing.
"They woulda hanged me in effigy, too, but lucky for me I don't live in Effigy. I live in Burbank."
And I stand by my title - it's largely John Edward's fault that I'm banned. I'm now personally a small piece of fallout from the scandal. That's because Edward's defense is shoot the messenger, not answer the questions. The rabid response of the people on Kos is directly related to Edwards and his own response. That's exactly why I'm saying this has the potential to hurt the Democratic brand.

So answer the effin' questions already, John. For everyone's sake.

I'm not sure if the DailyKos is going to take down my writing and make me a complete un-person there. . . .
I wouldn't bet the ranch against that proposition, Lee.
Here are the pieces I wrote on Kos that caused the problems...if you look, I'm not writing about anything that isn't being written about already.

Say It Ain't So, DailyKos

Dissent, Disloyalty, And Disappointment

Irrefutable Proof Of The John Edwards Scandal
Posted by: Mike 2008-08-05