
"Honor killing" with a twist: bomber’s family reportedly coerced her to suicide
by Khaled Abu Toameh, Jerusalem Post.
Expands on yesterday’s posting. EFL.
The family of suicide bomber Reem Salah al-Rayashi, the Gaza City mother of two who killed four in last week’s suicide attack at the Erez crossing, . . . dismissed as lies reports that she had been forced to blow herself up after her husband discovered that she had been unfaithful.
"Lies! All lies!"
Quoting military sources, Yediot Aharonot said that Rayashi was forced to carry out the suicide attack as punishment for cheating on her husband.
Hid the strange baloney, did she?
According to the paper, information that reached Israel regarding the circumstances that led Rayashi to carry out the attack suggests that she "was not a cold-blooded terrorist, steeped in faith and madness, who chose out of free will to turn her two young children into orphans – but instead a woman who was forced to carry out the act." According to military sources, Rayashi paid a cruel price for being involved in an illicit love affair and was forced to sacrifice herself in order to "clear" her name and the honor of her family. . . .
Yeah. Well, I guess that dried the old wet spot...
[IDF] sources said the man chosen to recruit and equip Rayashi with the explosive belt was none other than the lover with whom she cheated on her husband. The Sunday Times reported that the husband even drove his wife to the Erez crossing. . . .
Cheaper than divorce, I guess. David Frum at National Review Online had this to say:
Can we please, please, please now retire the often-heard line that Western societies have something to learn from the simple, heartfelt faith of the Islamic extremists? I’m not sure whether Hamas reminds me more of the blood cult of the ancient Aztecs or the cruelest subsections of the American Mafia, but I am sure that the United States with all its fads, follies, and vices is in every way a more moral and godly society than the one that Hamas seeks to realize. And if the choice really is between a society that produces a Reem al-Reyashi or one that produces Britney Spears 
 then hand me the channel changer: I want my MTV!

Posted by: Mike 2004-01-19