
Ansar al-Islam
  • Kevin at the Insolvent Republic links to a CSM article on Ansar al-Islam, a Taliban-ish al-Qaeda front group in Kurdistan.
    This is an alternative name for Jund-al-Islami. They're apparently getting funding from both Iraq and al-Qaeda. Their controller appears to be Abu Zubaydah, who was named as the operations chief for al-Qaeda last month. There's a good description of it here and the Guardian ran a piece on them in January. When last heard from, the Kurds had hit them hard, they were running out of money because Afghanistan had been whacked. I read someplace that stragglers were beginning to show up in Lebanon.
    Kevin...I like the sound of that. I'm feeling a Blogwatch on my horizon. :)
    Posted by Kevin Slotman [slotman.blogspot.com] 3/18/2002 11:18:03 PM

    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2002-03-18
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2464