
Pakistani info minister rules out extradicting Omar Sheikh
Information Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmad Monday said that shifting of Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, who has been awarded jail term in the murder of US journalist Daniel Pearl case, from Karachi to Adiala prison was in connection with the sentence saying that his extradition to some foreign country was not in accordance with the law. In an interview to a private television, he said that the accused was shifted to Adiala jail in connection with the life-imprisonment awarded to him in Pearl’s case saying his extradition to some other country was not legally correct.

In reply to a question regarding arrest of seven al-Qaeda suspects in Karachi on Sunday, he said that war against terrorism would continue claiming that the authorities had found important leads in President Musharraf’s case and ‘and investigation in this regard would take not more than couple of days’. When asked if Omar was also being investigated regarding attacks on Musharraf’s life the information minister declined to comment by saying ‘no comments.’ Ruling out the possibility of Omar’s shifting to Islamabad he said he had been awarded transportation for life and only jail to jail transference is possible ‘whereas there is no jail in Islamabad.’
Is there some sort of international school for information ministers, where they teach them goofy things to say and do?

Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-01-20