
Sarkozy to Moscow, France Foreign Minister in Georgia
FRENCH President Nicolas Sarkozy will visit Moscow early in the coming week for talks with Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev over the fighting in Georgia, the Kremlin and the Elysee said today.
Good -- the French are stepping up..... but, it still felt good last night, watching our swim team beat them after all the "trash" talking!
Mr Medvedev and Mr Sarkozy, whose country currently holds the EU presidency, held a telephone conversation in which they "agreed to continue discussions in Moscow", the Kremlin press service said, quoted by Interfax. The French president's office said Mr Sarkozy would visit Moscow "in the coming days" to confer with Mr Medvedev.

Mr Sarkozy said today there was hope of quickly ending the conflict between Russia and Georgia over the breakaway Georgian province of South Ossetia. "Following the withdrawal of Georgian troops from South Ossetia, the president of the republic believes there is a real perspective of rapidly finding a way out of the crisis," the presidency said.

The French presidency said Mr Sarkozy "intends to pursue contacts with both (Georgian and Russian) presidents in the coming hours, to bring their positions closer together and create the conditions to end the crisis".

French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner arrived in Tbilisi overnight and was due to travel to Moscow tomorrow on a mission to mediate in the conflict on behalf of the European Union which is currently presided over by France.
Hummm he got there pretty fast. Impressive
He was to submit a three-point peace plan to both sides, based on "an immediate cessation of hostilities; the full respect of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Georgia" and "the re-establishment of the situation that existed before".
Posted by: Sherry 2008-08-11