
Another Darwin Award Contender
Police said a group of teens gathered at a park at Greeley Street and Rideout Way over the weekend to re-enact a stunt they had seen on the MTV program "Jackass."
Yup, another one of those.....
The teens attached a rope to a merry-go-round and tied the other end to a pickup truck. When the truck went forward, the ride would spin. Bobbi MacKinnon, 16, was killed when she was thrown 75 feet from the ride and landed in the street.
At least she got some good hang time.
The show does warn viewers
over and over
not to attempt any of the stunts, but MacKinnon’s friends and family say it’s not enough.
"They shoulda had Barney and the Teletubbies saying you could get bad boo-boos!"
"The audience it was aimed at doesn’t pay attention," MacKinnon’s grandmother, Pat Fleck, said.
I bet Bobbi’s buddies will pay attention now....maybe not
"I see the little thing on the TV show ...’Don’t try this at home.’ Yeah right ... I mean if they can do it, we can do it," future Darwin Award contender friend Andrew Royster said. Nationally, several teens have voluntarily kept themselves from contaminating the gene pool been killed or seriously injured in recent years after performing stunts they said they had seen on "Jackass."
Somebody told me once that Jackass has killed more people than John Wesley Hardin did. I dunno if it's true or not, but it sounds right...

Posted by: Desert Blondie 2004-01-20