
Malay mullahs plan book burning
The Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) will propose to the Home Ministry that 12 book titles with Islamic elements from abroad be burned banned for sale in this country. The Chairman of the Censor Committee on Publication Materials with Islamic Elements of the Islamic Affairs Council, Jakim, Datuk Seri Harussani Zakaria said the decision was made after making a thorough study of the contents of the books which were found to be misleading and could divert the faith of Muslims. "Some of the books contain photographic illustrations, including that of Jesus Christ, the picture of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. talking to angels and pictures that could confuse the Muslims," he told reporters after chairing a meeting of the committee, here Thursday.

Harussani, who is also the Perak State Mufti, said the committee would send the titles of the books to the Home Ministry for further action. The titles are
"Tassawuf Dalam Al Quran" written by Dr Milwahidin;
"Islam and Terrorism" (Mark A Gibrel);
"Rahsia Menyingkap Manusia Roh Ilahi" (Nordin Ar Raniri);
"Menyoal Relevensi Sunnah Dalam Islam Moden" (Daniel W. Brown) and
"Wahdat Al-Ahdiat Dailog Ruralisme Agama" (Fatimah Osman)
"Pilihan Doa Jaljalut Menebasi Interfasi Gejolak Zaman Moden" (Mohammad Rafiat S.I);
"Ikhtisas Tajul Muluk -Mahkota Raja" (Abdul Hamid Jawhan);
"Petunjuk Membuat Ajimat dan Benda-benda Bertuah" (Abdul Hamid Jawhan);
"Fast Facts on Islam" (John Andeble);
"September 11 -Forgive Me America" (Abdul Daud Osman) and two titles that did not disclose the authors of the books, namely
"Women In Islam" and
"Manakib Qubra Volume 1".
Harussani said the committee also decided that two more titles be banned namely "Pilihan Sendiri Pengembaraan Anda" (Kes Raja Sutra) and "Al-Masih Kisah Nyata Ringkasan Nabi Isa" as they were unsuitable for reading by Muslims.Wish I could translate some of the other titles, but notice they don’t want muslims reading "September 11-Forgive Me America", nor do they want them to read about "Islam and Terrorism" and "Women in Islam".I suppose they don’t want them to read "Fast Facts on Islam" as that is the whitewash book for non-muslims only.
Posted by: TS 2004-01-20