
JI calls for Musharraf trial
Chief of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) Qazi Hussain Ahmad has said that President Musharraf should be put on trial under Article 6 of the Constitution.

Talking to journalists at his party's headquarters before joining a protest rally here on Wednesday, the JI chief said the ruling alliance had the requisite number of parliamentarians to expel Pervez Musharraf. The real thing was to put him on trial after impeachment, he added.

Qazi said the ruling alliance should give a second look to the country's internal and external policies. He said the removal of Pervez Musharraf would do no good to the country or the system if the government continued with the pro-American policies of their predecessors.

He said the ruling alliance should have restored the deposed judges before the impeachment of the president. Had they restored the judges, the impeachment process would have no snags, said Qazi. The JI chief was in Peshawar to lead a protest demonstration against price hike, lawlessness and the ongoing military operations in Swat and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).

Participants of the rally gathered at Hashtnagri Chowk. Carrying banners and placards inscribed with anti-government and anti-America slogans, the protestors converged on Suekarno Chowk in Khyber Bazaar after passing through Firdaus, Ashraf Road, Qissa Khawani and Kabuli bazaars.

Addressing the gathering at Suekarno Chowk, the JI chief slammed the government for the prevailing lawlessness in the country, the sky-rocketing prices of daily commodities and the military operations in tribal and settled areas of the country.

Posted by: Fred 2008-08-14