
Brian Whitaker, Guardian, 1/19/04

Deborah Fink is a singer and music teacher living in London. She is also
Jewish. Last month, out of the blue, she received a deluge of hateful
emails - more than 150 in the space of a week.

One came from a rabbi in New York, informing her: "Your soul, my dear, is
petrified and lost." Another said, menacingly: "Hitler killed the wrong Jews."

Yet another - ostensibly from a Jewish doctor of medicine in the US -
elaborated on the Holocaust theme. "Too bad Hitler didn’t get your family,"
it said. "With six million Jews dieing [sic] 60 year [sic] ago it’s a shame
scum like you somehow managed to survive."

What, exactly, had Ms Fink done to deserve this vitriol? The short answer
is that she had been planning to sing.

Ms Fink is a member of Just Peace UK, a mainly, but not exclusively, Jewish group opposing the Israeli occupation and seeking "a viable and sovereign Palestinian state alongside a safe and secure Israel, with Jerusalem as the shared capital of both states..."

I remind all posters that articles should be either hard news or commentary that expands our understanding on the mechanism and goals of terrorism.

Please edit all postings for length. Cut the parts that repeat what everybody knows by now because we've seen it so many times before. Try and keep them short and punchy. People try to read this stuff, y'know.

I will delete pure opinion pieces and such purely political hit pieces that bore me. This is because Rantburg concerns itself with the War on Terror. If you want to post Bush hit pieces, go to Indymedia. If you disagree with what Bush does, kindly confine yourself to the comments portion of real articles and take your lumps.

Please do not feed the trolls! I end up leaving troll pieces with a lot of comments because the comments are funnier than the posted article.

If you're a troll, please don't post and then comment on your post under another name. It's tacky.

Thank you,
The Management

Posted by: Friendly Jew 2004-01-20