
Oh those indecisive mullahs..
Western diplomats and nuclear experts voiced growing concern Tuesday that Iran has reneged on its promise to fully suspend uranium enrichment — a process that can be used to make nuclear weapons.
As opposed to what? Dairy food products?
Worries over Tehran’s nuclear intentions coincided with decreased concern among nuclear watchdogs about Libya’s nuclear ambitions. Tripoli volunteered last month to give up chemical, biological and nuclear weapons or weapons programs.
Ahhh you can say it, you mean the IAEA really IS working for the enemies of civilization
The United States interprets suspension as encompassing the whole process — including a halt in assemblage of enrichment equipment. U.S. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher warned last week that failure by Iran to indefinitely suspend "all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities would be deeply troubling."
I'm "troubled" when my steak is all gray and leathery instead of mostly rare. When people lie to me I get cheesed.
The IAEA continues to negotiate with Iran on the meaning of "is" what constitutes suspension, but one diplomat told AP that Mohamed ElBaradei, the agency’s director general, "feels strongly" that Iran should also stop making and assembling centrifuges.
Sorry words fail me here, he’s trying to pull a "Clinton" with the definition of what is really is is.
They said Javier Solana, the European Union’s foreign policy chief, brought up the continued manufacture of centrifuges with Hasan Rowhani, head of Iran’s powerful Supreme National Security Council, during his visit to Tehran last week. The French also raised the issue Thursday, when Rowhani visited Paris, the diplomats said. For his part, Rowhani suggested Iran would not expand its narrow interpretation of what constituted an enrichment embargo — and pointedly urged the Europeans to deliver on promises of increased technological aid. "Iran will not accept restrictions on its peaceful nuclear program," he said, while in Paris. "Iran expects its European friends to honor their commitments."
And this folks is the real dilemma. The black turbans seem to have gotten it into their skulls that they have a right to make a nuclear bomb and then threaten anyone with it. There is no NEED for an enrichment plant that does better than 8% enrichment of nuclear material, past that and you start working your way up to nuclear grade levels. RTWT at the link. Oh and this is my first post here so sorry if its a bit cut up.
Posted by: Val 2004-01-20