
Great way to piss us off
It's from Reuters so no idea on how valid their sources opinions are..
If Iraqis ever see Saddam Hussein on trial, they want his former American allies shackled beside him. "Saddam should not be the only one who is put on trial. The Americans backed him when he was killing Iraqis so they should be prosecuted," said Ali Mahdi, a builder.
Where have we heard this before...oh yes those lefty organized protests and anti-war movements.
"If the Americans escape justice they will face God’s justice. They must be stoned in hell."
Like, wow, man. This article is some really good shit. I'm already stoned outta my zzzzzzzzz....
The United States continued to feel the backlash of its move to give Saddam prisoner of war status Tuesday as thousands of Iraqi protesters called for his execution. ... "Saddam was a top graduate of the American school of politics," said Assad al-Saadi, standing with friends in the slum of Sadr city, formerly called Saddam City, a Shiite Muslim area oppressed by Saddam’s security agents. "My brother was an army officer who was executed. Saddam is a criminal and the Americans were his friends. We need justice so that we can forget the past."
We're friends with Australia. We're friends with Britain. We're friends with Denmark and Czechoslovakia and Eritrea. We never invaded any of them. Normally, we don't invade our friends. When we do, like in Germany and Italy and Japan, it's a special circumstance and not because we're good buddies with the local dictator.
Saddam was captured on December 13 hiding in a hole near his hometown of Tikrit. A month later the United States declared him a prisoner of war. But his new POW status has only added to skepticism about American promises after toppling Saddam in April. "The Americans and Saddam should face justice. Do you really think the Americans are going to put themselves on trial?" said Ali, a U.S.-trained policeman.
Ah yes the legendary gratitude of a freed people by putting your liberators on trial and have to defend themselves!
"Of course we hope the Americans and Saddam will face trial. But will it ever happen? I doubt it."
Tell you what we COULD have left Saddam in power instead..I’m sure that would make you happier ingrates.
Little note here, as I said above I have no idea how widespread this attitude is among Iraqis currently, Reuters is known for blowing things out of proportion when it comes to anti-american slants
Posted by: Val 2004-01-20