
Terrorist Sympathizers Plan Trip To U.S.
Relatives and friends of British detainees at Guantanamo Bay announced plans Tuesday to travel to the United States in the spring, part of a new campaign to win the captives freedom or fair trials.
I sure hope we take a hard look at all of them and detain the AQ members, terrorism being a family thing and all
The supporters also said they have formed a group called the Guantanamo Human Rights Commission. It includes public figures such as actress Vanessa Redgrave and her actor brother, Whatsisname.
maybe comrade redgrave will try to sneak her AK into the country, then we can toss her in a cage, too
"Our hope is to speak as directly and simply as possible ... to the American conscience," Whatsisname Corin Redgrave said.
my hope is to kick you squarely in the balls
The American Civil Liberties Union said it will work with the group on behalf of the detainees.
ACLU President Nadine Strossen said the detentions violated the American Constitution.
not citizens=no constitutional rights; what’s so hard about that?
"With the help of the Guantanamo Human Rights Commission, my country will be true to what it said on paper," Strossen said.
At least we know which side Nadine's on. It's not ours...
"No government can put itself outside or above the law or we have a reign of lawlessness,"
you mean like the soviet union, china, n. korea, iraq, iran, sudan, libya, cuba ...
Vanessa Redgrave said. "We cannot fight terrorism that way, we will explode terrorism that way."
you don’t want to ’fight’ terrorism at all, you want them to win
Has Zakaev moved out yet? Or is he still dossing on your couch?
Azmat Begg, the father of detainee Moazzam Begg, called the detentions unjust and described himself as deeply disappointed by what he said was the British government’s failure to help.
do we have an extra cage for this begg the elder mutt to reside in?
Posted by: 4thInfVet 2004-01-20