
No timetable for Russian withdrawal: Lavrov
Russian troops in Georgia have no timetable for withdrawing, as required under a peace deal, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Saturday. Asked by journalists how long a pullout from Georgia would take, Lavrow replied: "As long as needed." He added it would depend on Russian units being able to implement unspecified "additional security measures." "It doesn't only depend on us," the foreign minister said. "We are constantly encountering various problems with the Georgian side and it will depend how quickly and effectively this problem will be solved." Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed the French-brokered ceasefire deal Saturday. However, Russian troops still control swathes of Georgia, including beyond the limits of South Ossetia where they poured in last week to support local separatists against a Georgian offensive.
Posted by: Fred 2008-08-17