
Gweneth Sez No to America -- Drops by to Pickup American Paycheck
Edited for length and relevence.
Awaiting the birth of her first child in London (where she lives with her husband), actress Gwyneth Paltrow recently announced that she will not raise her kid in America.
Hey, Gweneth, wanna improve the quality of life in America? Stay in England with your hellspawn. In 20 years when prayers five time a day in England multi-cultural society are imposed along with the ’bag’, you can remind your child about all the ills of the USA.
The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave is just too dangerous a place — with all of these gun-toting, super-patriots running around — Ms. P proclaimed.
Dangerous place for leftists such as Ms. Paltry Paltrow
The Oscar-winning actress told a British publication: “I worry about bringing up a child in America. At the moment, there’s a weird, over-patriotic atmosphere over there, like, ‘We’re number one and the rest of the world doesn’t matter.’”
Riiight. The world doesn’t matter; sounds Clintonesque, without the patriotism, without the responsibility. Iffin the world doesn’t matter, why did Bush go to the UN TWICE to get their blessing for removing Saddam? Iffin the world doesn’t matter why do we have several countries aiding us in Iraq? Why? Becuase you run aroud with your fifth column socialist friends and you refuse to pull your head out of your ass to see the world as it really is, not as Comrade Paltrow wants the world to be seen.
If frantic flag-waving weren’t enough, the nation apparently is awash in firearms. “And the guns in school — it’s not great,” Paltrow complained. You’d think the legendary gun lobby was handing out assault rifles at the schoolhouse door. (Blame not the NRA, but the ACLU and other proponents of permissiveness, for violence in our schools.)
Show me the guns, girl. Fact is, you can’t.
At the time of the Iraq war, the star-spangled girl informed another British interviewer. “I love America and I completely stand behind America. But at the same time, I’m a free thinking person and I question motives too and I question this war and the motives behind it.” Undeniably, Paltrow is free. Clearly, she has a right to question or oppose administration policy. It’s the “thinking person” part that’s in doubt — especially in an individual above adolescence who introduces a statement with the word “like.”
You just have been hiding in a cave to not understand the reasons why we are at war. 911? Remember that, or is that ’our’ fault?
Ms. Paltrow, military folks are standing in harm’s way to conduct the war on terror. If you can’t stand behind those troops AND their mission, at least show your love of America by keeping your mouth shut. As it is, you sound tired and irrelevent. And to me personally: a traitor.

What’s Gwyneth’s gripe? Is America today truly the weirdly over-patriotic place of the actress’s fevered imagination? You wouldn’t know it from the spiritual treason the left gets away with.
Spiritual, my ass. This is not ’perceived’ treason. This is out and out treason with troops in the field and our enemies here and in Eurostan.
Within days of 9/11, liberals like Katha Pollitt, a columnist for The Nation, were fretting over modest manifestations of patriotism. (Pollitt says she told her 13-year-old daughter, who asked to fly the flag, “The flag stands for jingoism and vengeance and war.”) I don’t recall anyone asking the flag-haters to exit stage left. The last time I heard “America, love it or leave it,” was during the Vietnam War.
“The flag stands for jingoism and vengeance and war.” None of those things are necessarily bad in time of war.
Most importantly, our public schools continue to teach skepticism about America, if not outright loathing, in the name of multiculturalism, diversity and various victim studies. Still, liberals like Paltrow are intimidated by even these gestures. For the left (including its Hollywood auxiliary) any patriotism is too much. Hollywood believes the dictionary definition of patriotism is: “paranoid, xenophobic, chauvinistic, authoritarian bordering on totalitarian, imperialistic, warmongering – See McCarthyism.”
Hollywood patriotism: Sitting on an antiaircraft gun emplacment which is used against our military forces, visiting Baghdad to inform the world that Bush is worse than Hussein, jerking off abot non-existant Islamic daycare centers, and trying to convince everyone that you love your country: just not enough to allow it to defend itself.
Posted by: badanov 2004-01-21