
How can they tell he’s really dead?
and not just mellow, very, very mellow?
According to press reports, a British man, Lee Maisey, 36, had smoked 6 cannabis cigarettes a day for 11 years prior to his death in Summerhill, Pembrokeshire, last August. The coroner found during an inquest that other causes of death could be ruled out and laid the blame directly on Mr Maisey’s cannabis consumption. "This type of death is extremely rare," Professor John Henry, a toxicologist at Imperial College, London, said after the inquest at Haverfordwest, west Wales, according to The Age. "I have not seen anything like this before. It corrects the argument that cannabis cannot kill anybody." According to The Mirror, Mr Maisey’s cannabis use amounted to "24,000 reefers" over the 11 year period.
Second Headline: British Cheetos Consumption Falls to 11 Year Low in August
Posted by: Chuck Simmins 2004-01-21