
ICC Being (ab)used By ’Peace’ Group To Bash Britain Over Cluster Bombs
British use of cluster bombs in the Iraq war could count as a war crime and justifies further investigation by the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor in the Hague, a group of international lawyers say.
we should be using hugs and kisses against murderous thugs, you see, or possibly a ’Teddy Bear’ bomb
Seven academics from Britain, Ireland, France and Canada
an impartial group if there ever was one
interviewed eyewitnesses and examined evidence to see if there was a case for referring British conduct to the court, said the useful idiots pressure group Peacerights, which organised the review. "There is a considerable amount of evidence of disproportionate use of force causing civilian casualties," one of the lawyers ...
what? you want to see it? well, it’s there, trust me, just wait until trial
"The U.S. cannot be tried before the court because it refuses to sign up to it. The UK did."
gee, can’t imagine why the u.s. told these a-holes to stuff it; of course, the ICC would never never never, ever be used as a political club
Use of bunker-busting munitions had also killed civilians, Peacerights said.
nothing about charging saddam with using industrial shredders on civilians tho, imagine that
ICC officials were unavailable to comment, but Bowring said senior politicians, possibly including Prime Minister Tony Blair, could have something to worry about.
aim high, it increase contributions and grabs headlines
"Heads of state are not immune in principle,"
unless they’re anti-western, anti-U.S. socialists
the law professor said. "This one goes right to the top." U.S.-based Human Rights Watch said last month more than 1,000 civilians were killed or wounded by some 13,000 U.S. and British cluster bombs in the Iraq war last year.
proof? anyone? anyone? beuller?
Bowring said the report would be sent to both the British attorney general Lord Goldsmith and the ICC.
yes, there’s nothing else they should be doing, like rolling up islamofascists in the UK
Experts were dubious the case would proceed.
even al-reuters has to acknowledge this, but why run the story in the 1st place?
The British military was also the subject of complaints to the ICC last July when Greek lawyers sent the court a dossier of human rights allegations in Iraq.
you ouzo drinking swine better PRAY there aren’t any casualties at the olympics
The court has received hundreds of complaints from dozens of countries since it came into force in July 2002,
not a one of them in any way a political attack, no no no
but only one formal investigation has been launched, into reported crimes in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Posted by: 4thInfVet 2004-01-21