
Hail, hail Vespucciland!
Rooters: Dean Disarms Hecklers with National Anthem
Democratic presidential contender Howard Dean on Tuesday unleashed an unlikely weapon to disarm hecklers — the U.S. national anthem.
Armed hecklers, boy howdy!
When a rally at the New Hampshire Technical Institute in Concord was interrupted for a second time, the former Vermont governor led his supporters in a rousing rendition of the Star Spangled Banner to drown them out.
See title.
Earlier, Dean had called for security to remove a couple of protesters who were shouting and waving the Confederate flag, a divisive symbol of racism and slavery in the South. As they were hustled out, Dean requested they not be "manhandled."
This severely dissapointed several "guys" at the back of the room.
Last year, Dean was roundly attacked for making an insensitive remark about wanting to be the candidate for "guys with the Confederate flag on their pickups." He later apologized for the remark.
Hence the guns, I guess...
Dean criticized the hecklers, saying they "refuse to respect our right of free speech" and told the crowd: "But you can exercise your right to vote and that’s the way we’re going to take back our country. The way to deal with what you have seen this afternoon is to vote."
Then he broke down and started sobbing and blubbering. Like a girl.
Posted by: mojo 2004-01-21