
Colours of patriotism paint Jammu
The sun is about to set on the city and the roundabout is deserted. A youth suddenly emerges from one of the bylanes, carrying a National Flag in his hand and shouting slogans of "Bharat Mata Ki Jai". Soon, the solitary protest at Kacchi Chhawani Chowk in 'paralaysed' Jammu turns into a mass frenzy as hundreds join him to express solidarity for a cause that has gone far beyond the Amarnath land row.

In fact, the Tricolour has united people in this winter capital of Jammu and Kashmir to fight the "neglect" they faced in the last 60 years. The controversy over allotment of a land plot to Shri Amarnath Shrine Board was a mere flashpoint. "We raised the Tricolour and were greeted with bullets. They (separatists) in Kashmir hoisted Pakistan's flag and brought the Government to its knees. It will not be allowed to continue any more," thunders Subhash Dogra, a protester.

Everyone in Jammu has suddenly turned leader, brushing aside allegations that "communal elements" are controlling the movement. "We are leaders in ourselves. Nobody is leading us. We are ready to face problems today to ensure a better future for the generations," adds Gurpreet Singh, owner of a few taxis. Though he has been getting no business for 50 days, he is ready to bear the losses for "many more months" but not the humiliation at the hands of the Government.
Posted by: john frum 2008-08-21