
USA Women’s Beach Volleyball Team Thanks the Prez (VIDEO)
Tonight U.S.A. Olympians Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh finished as the winning team of the Women’s Volleyball games in their successful run, being the first team to win back-to-back gold medals.

And who did they make a definitive point to thank besides their families? It seemed obvious to me how much Kerri wanted this to get out to the viewing public, and it did in a big way.

They thanked our President for his inspiration and for all he’s doing. They are very proud of him, as you can tell. So for all the nay-sayers who were against President Bush attending the Olympics, it mattered to these two women. So it mattered to me.

You can watch the heart-warming ‘thank you’ here
Slide to the end to see Kerri take the mike from the reporter...if you want.... it's a short interview

Posted by: Sherry 2008-08-21