
Chairman Mao Jane Fonda Sez You can’t have her Vagina!
I am surprised no one caught this. It was mentioned by James Taranto yesterday. Possible drink alert is in effect.
A feminist still, and an actress again
And someone who is still on the hook for treason IMHO
Ruthe Stein
Rumors of Jane Fonda’s retirement from movies aren’t true, thank goodness. "I’m going back to work,’’ Fonda told me in that distinctive patrician voice that makes you realize how ordinary most young actors sound. She’s already handpicked her first movie in 15 years. "It’s a comedy. I wanted to do something fun,’’ said Fonda, who began her career with light-hearted fare such as "Barefoot in the Park,’’ co-starring Sundance founder Robert Redford.
Wanna do something even more fun? Turn yourself in to the DoD and ask to be put on trial for treason.
I asked what it was about this movie that convinced her it was the right vehicle for her comeback. "The money,’’ Fonda said, her rich laugh filling the back room of the pizza parlor where we spoke.
I think we get an idea of Jane’s personal vacuousness.
Her decision also has to do with timing, and that’s related to Fonda’s reason for being at the Sundance Film Festival. She’s here to support "Until the Violence Stops,’’ a documentary about a global movement to put an end to genital violence against women. The film screened here Saturday night and broadcasts Feb. 17 on the Lifetime channel.
Of course the film shows here. What better place to show it than in America, instead of where it actually takes place? Where it is safe because of our military and our free society. ’Do’ a film about an atrocity then join a protest to prevent liberation of such people.
The movement developed from Eve Ensler’s "The Molestor’s Vagina Monologues,’’ which had a successful run in San Francisco.
’Nuff said. But you know what they say: The only good movement is a bowel movement.
"I’m part of the movement,’’ Fonda proudly said.
Did I tell you??!
"Eve changed my life. She has given me the confidence to go back to acting. She’s so brave, and it rubs off on people around her. I’ve begun to say, ’You know, what have I got to lose if I act again?’ S -- , so it’s not perfect. So what? It’s going to kick ass, and I’ll have a good time.’ And I didn’t feel that way until I met Eve.’’
Janes does rub off on you. I need a shower. Just what kind of drugs did Eve give you, Fonda?
Ensler said Fonda has given "much, much money’’ to the movement. The actress often performs parts of "The Vagina Monologues’’ — she did "The Man Who Loved Vaginas’’ segment at a Sundance party — and goes around the world for fund-raising "V-Days.’’ "Jane shows up. It’s what she does,’’ Ensler said.
Betcha the part of the world it doesn’t sell are Islamic shitholes...
Troy Garity, Fonda’s actor son (from her marriage to Tom Hayden), also has been at numerous V-Days. "He is a vagina-friendly young man. When people say, ’Imagine a world where there was no violence against women,’ I always say, ’Men would be like my son.’ ’’
I guess Troy won’t be wandering anywhere near a sports grill anytime real soon. And being ’vagina friendly’ means whatever he has, he has to strap it on.
Fonda became involved after attending her first "Vagina Monologues.’’ "I had resisted it. You know with my kind of controversies, I don’t need to add vaginas and c -- . But it changed my life. I began to own my vagina, and I realized the extent to which I hadn’t owned it before.’’
Congrats, Jane, on owning one of several organs in your body. Too bad your brain is taking a guided tour of your rectum.
That surprised me, considering Fonda is a Marxist feminist of long standing. "That’s an important thing to think about. I do fancy myself a feminist. You can be there in your head, but it’s not until you go there fully with your body that you’re really there. I feel a wholeness about owning my body now and not giving up parts of yourself for anybody.’’
My body is trying to keep my breakfast down; not easy listening to Jane’s Marxian-feministic propoganda.
With such important thoughts, it seems churlish to mention Fonda’s appearance. But I know you’re curious. She looks great, way younger than her 66 years. Fonda is so slim, she can tuck her dynamite white angora sweater into a pair of gray flannel slacks with no hint of a bulge.
I will need therapy after that mental image.
Getting up to leave, Fonda put on a white jacket with an animal pattern. "They’re buffalo,’’ she said. "It’s for my favorite ex-husband.’’ I assume she means Ted Turner, since the others were far from outdoorsmen.
But they were all leftists.
Did any of that make any sense? Or is it just me?

Posted by: badanov 2004-01-23