
St. Paul WoT update: Guard called out, 80 year old delegate beaten by terrorists.
Some turn violent in march to GOP convention
(weasely AP title)
ST. PAUL, Minn. - Protesters attacked delegates, smashed windows, punctured car tires and threw bottles Monday, a violent counterpoint to an otherwise peaceful anti-war march at the Republican National Convention. Police wielding pepper spray arrested at least 56 people.
Peaceful except for the violence? Brilliant, AP
The trouble happened not far from the Xcel Energy Center convention site, and many of those involved in the more violent protest were clad in black and identified themselves to reporters as anarchists. They wrought havoc by damaging property and setting at least one fire. Most of the trouble was in pockets of a neighborhood near downtown, several blocks from where the convention was taking place.

Police estimates of the crowd shifted several times during the event, ranging from 2,000 to 10,000. The crowd was clearly in the thousands. Late Monday afternoon, long after the antiwar marchers had dispersed, police requested and got 150 Minnesota National Guard soldiers to help control splinter groups near downtown.
Now they can really feel some solidarity with their allies in Iraq, what few of the latter are still alive.
Members of the Connecticut delegation said they were attacked by protesters when they got off their bus near the Xcel Center, KMSP-TV reported. Delegate Rob Simmons told the station that a group of protesters came toward his delegation and tried to rip the credentials off their necks and sprayed them with a toxic substance that burned their eyes and stained their clothes.
Any lefties out there care to defend this?
One 80-year-old member of the delegation had to be treated for injuries, and several other delegates had to rinse their eyes and clothing, the station reported.

Five people were arrested for lighting a trash bin on fire and pushing it into a police car, St. Paul police spokesman Tom Walsh said. Authorities didn't have immediate details on the other arrests.
The ACLU probably knows, they have observers and legal help booths everywhere the terrorists go.
The antiwar march was organized by a group called the Coalition to March on the RNC and Stop the War, whose leaders said they hoped for a peaceful, family-friendly event. But police were on high alert after months of preparations by a self-described anarchist group called the RNC Welcoming Committee, which wasn't among the organizers of the march.
"We are peaceful, it's just an evil Rovian plot that anarchist thugs show up every time we have a march." Applying Occam's Razor: Fellow travelers, plausible (to friendly media) deniability.
About 20 people dressed in black tried to block a key intersection. Police quickly dispersed the group, then shot two tear gas canisters at them as the fled. Pictures taken by Associated Press photographers showed officers using pepper spray on people who appeared to be trying to block streets.
Real authority; backed by courts, elections, the Constitution, etc.; versus presumed authority backed by Soros, drug culture, and the media. Guess who won?
Up to 200 people from a group called Funk the War noisily staged their own march. Wearing black clothes, bandanas and gas masks, some of their members smashed windows of cars and stores. They tipped over newspaper boxes, pulled a big trash bin into the street, bent the rearview mirrors on a bus and flipped heavy stone garbage bins on the sidewalks.
Foraging for food?
One member of the group carried a yellow flag with the motto "Don't Tread on Me." The group chanted: "Whose streets? Our streets!"
Wrong, moonbats, they are public streets. We'll talk about it when YOU manage to win an election.
At one point, people pushed a trash bin filled with trash and threw garbage in the streets and at cars. They also took down orange detour road signs. One of them used a screwdriver to puncture the back tire of a limousine waiting at an intersection and threw a wooden board at the vehicle, denting its side. Another hurled a glass bottle at a charter bus that had stopped at an intersection. The bottle smashed into pieces but didn't appear to damage the bus.
So you see, no harm done (AP collaborator sub-text).
After the official march ended, police spent hours dispersing smaller groups of protesters, employing officers on horses, smoke bombs and tear gas.
Clear the streets with a dash of pepper, as Napoleon might say.
Protesters put eye drops in each other's eyes after police used chemical irritants such as pepper spray and tear gas. Some wore bandanas and masks to protect themselves.
You mean to keep their grandparents from seeing them on TV (mom lets them stay in the basement, so she would naturally hock the mini-van to pay their bail).
Protesters were seen lying on an interstate exit ramp to block traffic in downtown St. Paul and linking arms to block other roads.
Corrie! Corrie! Corrie!
Terry Butts, a former Alabama Supreme Court justice who is a convention delegate, was on a bus taking delegates to the arena when a brick through the window sprayed glass on him and two others. Butts said he wasn't hurt. "It just left us a little shaken," he said. "It was sort of a frightening moment because it could have been a bomb or a Molotov cocktail."
Fortunately, police seized a lot of the molotov supplies in a raid that has been uniformly denounced in the moonbat media.
Posted by: Atomic Conspiracy 2008-09-01