
In Columbia - Uribe Faces EU Questions on Human Rights
A top European Union official warned Colombian President Alvaro Uribe that he faces a barrage of questions about his government’s respect for the rule of law when he visits Europe next month to win backing for his tough, U.S-backed security policies. EU External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten made the comments Thursday at the end of a two-day visit during which he angered government leaders with thinly veiled criticism of Colombia’s new anti-terrorism laws.
In Europe the policy is to let the terrorists roam freely.
The Patriot Act legislation, adopted by Congress last month, gives the armed forces sweeping judicial powers to detain suspects without warrants, tap phones and search homes as part of Uribe’s campaign to crush a four-decade leftist insurgency. Fellow travelers and terrorist sympathizers Human rights groups, however, warned the bill could lead government forces to commit abuses, while the United Nations said it was incompatible with international law. "Many people will want to discuss with him (Uribe) the recommendations of the United Nations," Patten said at a news conference in Bogota. "The roadmap improvement in civil liberties and human rights can and must go hand-in-hand with the overcoming of violence." Uribe, a close U.S. ally, is scheduled to tour EU headquarters in Belgium, Germany and Italy on Feb. 7-14, the president’s office said, in a bid to secure political and financial backing for his policies. The United States is funding much of the military buildup.
Don’t go. It’s a trap. The ICC will get you.
Similar comments over the past few days led Colombian Vice President Francisco Santos, in an interview with daily El Tiempo, to denounce Europe for having "a neocolonial concept of justice in Colombia" and for treating the country as a "banana republic."
Hey, buster the EU doesn’t condescend. Now don’t miss another opportunity to be quiet.
On Thursday, however, Santos glossed over the harsh words, saying: "It is very clear the EU has a commitment to Colombia and Colombia to the EU. I’m here all week." Colombian Foreign Minister Carolina Barco said after meetings with Patten that "we know we have a partner in the EU, which is accompanying us in the struggle against terrorism."
Did he say that with a straight face?
Patten also urged Colombia’s two leftist rebel groups to release dozens of hostages and enter peace talks with the government.
Isn’t holding hostages a violation of their civil rights? Sorry, forgot about the different scale for ’freedom fighters.’
"The PLA Hamas FARC should simply engage in negotiations and not make impossible demands," Patten said earlier Thursday as he toured EU-funded "peace laboratories"
- does Dennis Kucinich know about these? -
in northern Colombia. The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, known as the FARC, has repeatedly rebuffed the government’s appeals to declare a cease-fire and resume peace talks that collapsed two years ago. U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s top envoy in Colombia, James LeMoyne, who also attended Thursday’s news conference, said he still holds out hope that a roadmap negotiated solution to the civil war could be found. Sharon Uribe, in a speech Thursday to diplomats, repeated that his government would not enter peace talks until the armed groups halt their violence. "For this government, it is urgent to secure a cessation of hostilities," he said.
Posted by: Super Hose 2004-01-23