
Yemen justifies cooperation with US on terror
Yemen has revealed that it cooperated with Washington in tracking and killing a suspected Al-Qaeda leader after US satellites picked up the vibrations of the man’s voice, the Saudi newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat said on Friday.
Curses, he’s revealed Project Big Ear!
It quoted Yemeni Vice-President Abed Rabbo Mansur’s comments on a missile attack on November 3, 2002 in which six Yemenis, said to be Al-Qaeda members, including one suspected of masterminding an operation against a US warship and a French oil tanker, were killed. Agents of the US intelligence agency, the CIA, fired the missile by remote control from a Predator pilotless aircraft in east Yemen, destroying the vehicle carrying the six suspects.
And damm fine shooting it was.
"This special operation targeted Abu Ali, an Al-Qaeda leader ... who organised the explosion on the French oil tanker and whom we have hunted in vain for six months," said Mansour. "That is why we coordinated with the Americans ... who were able to detect and pinpoint Harithi thanks to satellites picking up the vibrations of his voice. We had no choice other than to cooperate with Washington because we don’t have advanced technology", the vice-president added. He added that Harthi used several phones and constantly changed them.
Ah, the vibration of his voice modulating radio waves. Had me worried there for a minute. Guess I can take the tin foil off now.
Posted by: Steve 2004-01-23