
Bam quake has levelled five tombs and 38 mosques
Deputy Head of Iran`s Charity and Endowment Organization Nabiollah Chamran said here on Friday that the 6.3-Richter earthquake in Bam city in southeastern Iran has flattened five tombs belonging to religious figures and 38 mosques. He added that the tragic quake has only spared one mosque and one Imamzadeh from damage.
"We are awaiting the government orders to proceed with the reconstruction of mosques in new and more proper locations around the city in accordance with the plans to be provided by the related officials. "A group of engineers are designing mausoleums, which are to be constructed by relying on the funds to be provided by the nationwide Charity and Endowment Departments," he added. The official said that a minimum of 1.2 billion rials is required for the reconstruction of every destroyed tomb. Chamran said that the recent killer quake serves as a lesson to consider the importance of reinforcing other mausoleums and make them quake-resistant," he added. "To materialize such an objective, the people are required to help the board of trustees of the holy places across the nation," he concluded.
For some reason they haven't picked up on that Wrath of God thing. And Khamenei keeps ignoring that moving finger that writes on his wall every Friday...

Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2004-01-23