
"Meanwhile, back in North Korea..."
by Austin Bay, Strategy Page. EFL
Saddam Hussein’s regime thrived on the UN’s corrupted Oil For Food program. . . . A similar evil game of elite ritz amidst mass starvation continues in east Asia, except a wag might call North Korea’s shakedown "Food For Fallout." While Kim Jong Il’s strange little Stalinist clique trumpets the development of nuclear weapons, 2.7 million of its citizens face imminent starvation. Last week the World Food Program cut food aid to North Korea because of a lack of foreign donations. . . .

[T]he Cold War ended with a whimper, not a nuclear bang. South Korea had hoped for a similar break in the North Korean regime, but if there’s a modernizer [like Gorbachev] in Pyongyang he’s in prison or awaiting execution. Kim Jong-Il is running an extortion racket. His North Korean totalitarian police state is a totalitarian crime state. Various criminal enterprises insure its Communist elites have plenty to eat. In 2003, Australia seized a North Korean freighter packed with heroin. The ship sported expanded fuel tanks for long-distance operations. The bust proved smuggling smack is a North Korean state policy, providing cash for Kim’s caviar.

Nuclear weapons, of course, are Kim’s big stick. The scam goes like this: Pay us off and we won’t make bombs. That was the deal Pyongyang offered the Clinton administration in 1994. The United States hoped that meeting North Korea’s basic energy and food requirements would ultimately reduce belligerency. However, North Korea made bombs anyway. North Korea calls its latest negotiating gambit "the order of simultaneous action." Pyongyang will "renounce nuclear intentions" if Washington resumes food aid. The US must also provide "written security assurances." This is still "pay us, then we behave."

The schtick’s no longer working quite as slick as it once did. Saddam’s collapse is one reason– post 9/11 America is in the regime change business. That fact certainly spurred Libya’s recent nuclear fold. Stories circulate that Kim Jong-Il believes missile-armed American Predator unmanned aerial vehicles are stalking him.

If Kim casts a wary eye to the sky that may promote flexibility, as the diplomats say. . . .
Posted by: Mike 2004-01-23