
U.N. Has Libyan Nuclear Bomb Designs Under Seal
The United Nations nuclear watchdog said on Friday that it has put designs for nuclear weapons found in Libya under U.N. seal, and a Western diplomat said the U.S. and British weapons experts would be evacuating the drawings as soon as possible. "We have the drawings under our seal and they are secure," U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) spokesman Mark Gwozdecky said. He declined to give any details about the drawings.
That's prob'ly cuz they're under seal.
IAEA inspectors have been in Libya since Tuesday, when they joined weapons experts from the United States and Britain who are dismantling Tripoli’s nuclear, chemical and biological weapons capabilities. A diplomat from a Western country said the U.S. and British teams would evacuate the designs as soon as possible...cont’d...
Posted by: Nick 2004-01-23