
Zarqawi deputy captured in Iraq
U.S. forces in Iraq believe they may be facing an Al Qaeda cell in Fallujah after a man with suspected ties to the terror network was captured last week. The man said to have been arrested was Husam al-Yemeni, said to be part of the leadership structure of Ansar al-Islam, the Al Qaeda-associated terrorist group based in Iraqi Kurdistan. Some U.S. officials described al-Yemeni as the first Al Qaeda operative captured in Iraq.
The first bigwig, anyway...
Officials said it was too early to be sure, but at least one guerrilla cell in Fallujah was believed to be linked to Al Qaeda. The officials said three other possible Al Qaeda operatives — two Egyptians and an Iraqi — had been captured in raids Sunday. Al-Yemeni is believed to be the right-hand man to Abu Zarqawi, a man the Bush administration says has worked directly with Usama bin Laden. Zarqawi, who is believed to have been operating in Iraq before March’s invasion, is still at large.
That's one. Fox News was saying just a few minutes ago there's another one snagged, too...

Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-01-23