
Melanie Morgan: White trash in the White House?
Today's venture begins in the pigpen, where liberals wallow in lies, innuendos and depravity unfitting of even the lowliest swine.

We've all by now heard about Barack Obama's " lipstick" jab of Gov. Sarah Palin. "You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." That was the line that got his supporters howling with laughter. They understood that it was a slight at the woman who has stolen his thunder.

No longer are women fainting at Obama's feet as he yammers about change. Instead they are buying up Palin-style Kazuo Kawasaki glasses and getting their hair cut like the Alaska governor.

One TV station in Chicago asked women to comment on Obama's "lipstick" comments, and here are a couple of responses:

"It's definitely inappropriate -- we also seem to be ignoring the second comment that he made. The comment regarding a fish that stinks and wrapping it in paper -- I'm sorry but any 'lady' would find that comment truly offensive. How would Barack like someone saying that comment when referring to anything to do with his wife? Give me a break. ... I don't know of any woman that would. As a lady I find this disgusting." -- Kim Piskorowski, Des Plaines
Posted by: 3dc 2008-09-12