
The Atlantic Monthly will apologize to McCain for doctored photo
The editor of The Atlantic Monthly said Monday he is sending a letter of apology to John McCain after a woman the magazine hired to photograph the Republican presidential nominee posted manipulated pictures from the photo shoot on her Web site.

Photographer Jill Greenberg, who is vehemently anti-Republican and expressed glee that the photos would stir up conservative ire, took pictures of McCain for the cover of The Atlantic's October issue.

During the shoot, she took several other backlit pictures, which she then doctored and posted to her site. In one photo, she added blood oozing from McCain's shark-toothed mouth and labeled it with the caption "I am a bloodthirsty warmongerer." In another, a caption over McCain's head says, "I will have my girl kill Roe v. Wade," an obvious reference to his running mate Sarah Palin's anti-abortion positions.

Editor James Bennet said Greenberg behaved improperly and will not be paid for the session. He said the magazine is also considering a lawsuit.

"She has violated the terms of our agreement with her, of our contract with her so we're taking steps. So we're looking into what steps we can see to do something about that," Bennet told FOX News, adding that he is "already drafting a letter of apology" to McCain. "I mean this photographer went in there under our auspices to take a cover shot for us ... but while she was there she behaved in an incredibly underhanded and unprofessional way," he said. . . .
We get into a lot of bashing of the MSM 'round these parts due to bias and unprofessionalism. It's good to see The Atlantic standing up for proper journalistic standards. If you're gonna bash 'em when they're wrong, you gotta be willing to give 'em props when they get it right.
Greenberg said that the cover shot for The Atlantic article was manipulated to leave McCain's eyes red and skin looking bad. But Bennet said the magazine stands by the picture that made the front cover. He said the artwork went through editors' hands before going to print, and it is accompanied by "a terrific story" that is a comprehensive look at McCain's foreign policy.

"I think the cover shot is very respectful of John McCain. I think it's a good picture. People have to judge it for themselves," Bennet said, adding that he rejects Greenberg's characterizations of the shot.
Click through to see it. Apparently the Photoshop boys did a good job cleaning it up. He looks tough, determined, certain of himself.
"One of the nice things about this situation is people can look at the cover shot and make their own determination about whether or not it is fair to John McCain. I believe very strongly that it is," Bennet said.
Posted by: Mike 2008-09-15