
Ace: Obama's Troubling Tendencies
OK, I'll put it in Home Front Politix, but I want it in writing, I think they've crossed the line into both Lurid Crime Tales and Short Attention Span Theater

Hey, Obama...people are starting to notice:
Here's how it works. A message goes out over Barack Obama's Web site with the names, phone numbers and e-mails of editors and producers foolish enough to host Obama critics. With Mr. Obama's extensive digital following, and his extensive fund-raising and contact lists, shutting up the Democratic nominee's critics with a fraction of Mr. Obama's millions of supporters is relatively simple. The digital legions plug phone lines, crash servers and intimidate the advertisers of these media outlets. This must be another instance of the "new" politics that Mr. Obama frequently talks about.
(h/t: Hot Air)

"This is not free speech. This is not "people expressing their opinion." This is people expressing Obama's opinion. This is a powerful politician arrogantly abusing his power to try to silence his critics, without even bothering to hide behind Media Matters or Kos, because he knows he can get away with it. This is wrong."

McCain may not be perfect, but he's preferable to Obama, who has allowed his mask to slip a bit in the last few weeks. He's a typical machine politician who seems far too comfortable shutting down speech he doesn't like. Is encouraging such thuggery an example of the "community organizing" of which Obama is so proud?

One of the great ironies of this election is that liberals are worshiping a guy who embodies everything they claim to hate about the Bush administration.
Add into this that he has a bunch of flying monkeys who will try to break into your email without him having to say anything and things look much worse than outlined above. It's starting to look less like a political campaign and more like the mafia.

It's a beautiful plot. There's no coordination. There doesn't have to be. It's a self-organizing phenomenon. One we not only don't have a decent strategy of fighting, but one we're too hung up on morals to fight. We think of ourselves as too decent for this sort of thing.

Perhaps in 2012 we'll look back at our present selves and think we were retarded for believing in anything other than power. Welcome to the race to the bottom.

Posted by: Abdominal Snowman 2008-09-18