
Financial company tells SEC to take its stock off the list subject to a short-selling ban
Like I said, companies that haven't made losing bets with too much money (i.e. they're not hedge funds in drag) have nothing to worry about from short sellers.
Okay, someone left this in comments but we can't find anything like it online (we also called DHIL for comment but apparently the guy who answers questions on the matter is out to lunch 'til 2:30).

"NASDAQ issuer Diamond Hill Investment Group, Inc. (DHIL) has voluntarily opted-out of NASDAQ's list of Covered Securities under the SEC's Emergency Order, effective today, September 22, 2008. Diamond Hill Investment Group, Inc. will not be subject to the restrictions of the Emergency Order."

If this is true, GOOD FOR DIAMOND. While GS et. al. apparently need the protection of Christopher Cox, you are sending a message that the big bad short sellers can huff and puff all they want, but unlike Lehman's house of straw and Bear's trailer park of hemp, your house of bricks ain't coming down.
Posted by: Zhang Fei 2008-09-22