
Chad border bombed by Sudanese air force
An aircraft has dropped several bombs on a town on the Sudan-Chad border in the strife-torn Darfur region, just metres away from a group of journalists on a rebel-led tour of the area. The head co-ordinator of the rebel Movement for Justice and Equality was showing journalists the Sudanese side of the border town when an aircraft flew overhead at 3pm yesterday. The plane dropped several bombs only about 20m away from the group of 10 people, which included two rebels equipped with AK-47s. No one was injured. The co-ordinator, Abubker Hamid Nour, said that the Sudanese army attacks the border town daily. His comments were confirmed by the humanitarian group Médecins Sans Frontiers Belgique, which has a presence in the Chadian side of Tine.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-01-27