
Al-Jazeera video shows Taliban moving freely in Afghanistan
The Taliban allegedly retook several districts in Zabul awhile back, not sure if they were dislodged or not, but my guess would be that that is what this is from ...
Aljazeera has received a copy of a video showing Taliban fighters destroying a government building in eastern Afghanistan close to the Pakistani border. The video, broadcast on Tuesday, showed the Taliban moving freely on the main roads of the area despite the constant US-led search operations to hunt them down. The undated video, with blurred images, also showed the fighters communicating with each other via wireless phones and implanting mines on roads frequently used by US troops. After finishing their operation, the fighters collected what they called "battle trophies" while one of them called for prayers. The Taliban members also vowed to continue fighting, referring to Usama Bin Ladin’s call to challenge the US forces.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-01-27