
Saakashvili: Georgia will not be a refuge for Chechen rebels
The new Georgian president, Mikhail Saakashvili, says his country is ready to discuss joint patrols with Russian guards along the border with Chechnya. He told Itar-Tass his predecessor, Eduard Shevardnadze, had allowed Chechen rebels to cross into Georgia - and said he would reverse the policy. Now, he said, any gunmen found crossing the border would be extradited. After Russia sent troops into Chechnya in 1999, thousands of refugees fled into Georgia, followed by some rebels. "Eduard Shevardnadze had a very dangerous approach to this issue which had consequences for Georgia and Russia," Mr Saakashvili said. "After 11 September, when the Chechen rebels stopped getting financing from abroad, they started to export drugs to Georgia and kidnap people in border areas, creating many problems for Georgia," he added. "From now on, all armed people who try to get into Georgia will be arrested and handed over to the authorities of the country they are citizens of."
Posted by: TS 2004-01-27