
Somchai "flees" Parliament amid protests
Anti-government protesters were tear-gassed in Bangkok on Tuesday, even as Prime Minister Somchai Wongsawat "escaped" from Parliament and his Deputy Chavalit Yongchaiyudh resigned. The military-linked Mr. Chavalit, in charge of security affairs, cited his responsibility for the turn of events.

Over 100 persons, mostly protesters and a few security officials, were reported injured. An anti-government activist was killed, apparently in a "vehicle blast," according to opposition sources.

Trouble broke out after the protagonists of the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), an anti-government umbrella group, sought to blockade Parliament, where Mr. Somchai was making a policy speech.

The activists, already occupying the Government House compound for over a month, intensified their campaign, following Sunday's arrest of their leader, Chamlong Srimuang.

Mr. Somchai finished his speech and "fled" by climbing over a fence near the building and landing on the premises of an adjacent royal mansion. This account, doing the rounds in Bangkok's political circles, was not challenged by the authorities; and the Prime Minister was said to have proceeded to the military headquarters for a prior appointment there.

The military chief, who was recently mandated to free the Government House from the PAD under an emergency decree that was confined to Bangkok, indicated his desire to steer clear of the civilian political tussle. And, the current protest in Bangkok is directed against the alleged political links between Mr. Somchai's People's Power Party and Thaksin Shinawatra, who was toppled in a military coup in 2006.
Posted by: Fred 2008-10-08