
Hamas says pull out and maybe they'll think about it
  • CNN
    The leader of Islamic Jihad has said the goal of his and other groups is the "liberation of the Palestinian land with the border of 1967." Ramadan Shallah, speaking to CNN, said his group -- which opposes the existence of Israel -- would be willing to entertain the idea of a cease-fire if "Israelis are ready to pull out from our occupied land, at least the West Bank and Gaza." The remarks signal a shift in what has been the traditional position of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which has opposed any negotiations with Israel and has always claimed that it wanted to recover all of Palestine, including the land that is now Israel.
    Oh, well. Guess it's a start.
    Posted by: Fred Pruitt 2001-10-30
  • http://www.rantburg.com/poparticle.php?ID=2535