
Dupe entry: Syria Claims US Attack
(Chuck — the map gets posted as a box with a red x

Combining three different entries:
The Euphrates river flows through this area. The Iraqi town of al Qaim is right on the border. Americans have struck targets in this area before.

Unidentified helicopters have carried out an attack inside Syria along its border with Iraq, Syrian media says.

The official Syrian news agency Sana said the raid took place in the Bou Kamal border area, in eastern Syria.

One report said that the helicopters were American, but there is no independent confirmation.

The Sana news agency quoted residents as saying that the attack targeted a house in the area in which a man and his four sons and two workers died.


U.S. Strikes into Syria! July 2, 2003
View From Syria May 13, 2005

Also posted by TW & FrankG with comments from FrankG

Syria's state-run television and witnesses say U.S. military helicopters have attacked an area along the country's border with Iraq, causing casualties.
among high value targets?
The report quoted unnamed Syrian officials and said the area is near the Syrian border town of Abu Kamal. It gave no other details on Sunday's attack.

Local residents told The Associated Press by telephone that two helicopters carrying U.S. soldiers raided the village of Hwijeh, 10 miles inside Syria's border, killing seven people and wounding five.
amazing how local residents in targeted villages always have the AP's number handyThe U.S. military in Baghdad had no immediate comment.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins 2008-10-26